Pukulan Cimande Pusaka - Fon Jerng

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Italian Knife

Combat Whip

Irish Stick

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Silat Books

"The Mythical Kris in Combat and Magick" - Keris Book $30.00

The book covers some history but mainly fighting applications.

Book plus shipping inside the USA $35

Book plus shipping outside the USA $50

Mas Jud Book $50.00


All of the arts he studied, his real known teachers in those arts, what his art was composed of, who his main students were, his real name, when he lived and died, pictures of his sons, his wife and relatives, a beautiful cover, which is a painting of Mas Jud and a son commissioned by his sons to remember their father, all of his Sera-Depok Jurus in clear pictures with and without an attacker, pictures of the sons in the four animal postures, a picture of his only drawn diagram and the one that was mentally internalized. The book describes the 15 Sera-Depok Jurus. The book now includes an actual photo of Mas Jud as well as an actual article written  by Willy Wetzel about his time training in Siam, which is now called North Thailand.

Go to the DVD section for companion DVD.

Mas Jud Book $55 includes media mail postage USA
Mas Jud Book $80 includes cost of foreign shipping.


Pukulan Cimande Pusaka Sanders: Highlights of The Art

Here is my new book "Pukulan Cimande Pusaka Sanders: Highlights of The Art," by William Sanders. It includes all the new updates of the internal portions and the animals, Kicking Jurus, Sera Depok, Seated Jurus and more.

Available now on Lulu Press. Click on this link to order:
