Pukulan Cimande Pusaka - Fon Jerng

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Italian Knife

Combat Whip

Irish Stick

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Fon Jerng Vol. 2

In volume 2 we will build on what you learned in the first volume on the four-step walking format. Now we will add the attack and explanation of destroying the circuit and body structure of the attacker. This will include various kicks on each position with ivory and trunk elephant blows as well, executed between the turns and kicks. More coordinated in-sync methods of moving, hitting, and kicking in-sync will be demonstrated and explained. This will greatly increase your overall ability to utilize the proper circles and spirals and waves in flow hitting. Each new application will be broken down for you step-by-step for a clear understanding of the concepts.

Fon Jerng Volume 2 - $65 includes postage to the lower 48 states

Contact me for postage charges in other places.

Email willsanders@earthlink.net