The Grizzly Bear, Bear Paw Whip

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Bear Paw Whip | Testimonial 1 | Testimonial 2 | DVDs For Purchase | Testing

Revolutionary New Training Tool Gives You…

Turns Your Arms into Flexible Steel

This unique training tool causes springy, explosive fast-twitch fibers to come to life within your body, giving you a new functionally powerful level of athleticism and martial arts skill.

Discover the exercises that eliminate shoulder, elbow and wrist pain – or give you an enhanced ability to crush golf balls, smash homeruns, throw balls harder, or punch and kick like thunder and lightning, all while moving with the grace, nimbleness and fluidity of a Grizzly!

Dear Friend,

If you’re an athlete, martial artist, or fitness fanatic, you’ve probably heard coaches say that you need to move your body as one unit if you want more power, speed, quickness and so on. But do they give you a method to activate that ability? Not really.

There are a few drills here and there, and they help a little, but they fall way short of what you can accomplish when you begin using a seemingly strange looking martial arts tool called the Grizzly Bear Paw.

I say “strange looking” because some people, upon seeing the Grizzly, begin thinking about sex with inanimate objects. Not me.

I stay focused on what this tool can do for my health, my fitness and conditioning - and my love for enhancing my martial arts skills.

So let me tell you, within a few short weeks of using the Grizzly, the changes in my body were astounding.

My shoulder stopped hurting and my hands and forearms began to grow bigger. And when other people saw me move while practicing martial arts, they were stunned. How could I move so nimbly and quickly at 60 years of age?

Well, I owe the way I am moving now to a martial arts grandmaster, Pendekar William Sanders, who invented the Grizzly, and got me started on it. I honestly had no idea how much it would help me before I began using it. But I’m one of those people who is constantly keeping his eyes open for what can enhance his performance.

Now let me tell you, within a couple weeks of using the Grizzly, the flood gates opened within my body, helping me tap into a force so powerful that I was stunned. Soon afterward I began recommending the Grizzly to all my clients.

Spiraling, Springy Energy is the Key to Full Body Power

The Grizzly benefits your health and improves your athleticism, especially in sports where you use a coiling, spiraling type of energy.

It is also especially good for those suffering from shoulder, elbow or wrist pain, as it strengthens
the tendons and ligaments throughout your whole body, while simultaneously giving you a
whip-like force you’ve never experienced before.

But a word of caution: You do NOT want to train for hours per day with the Grizzly. You do NOT want to train to failure either. In fact, you will want to start off slowly, with short rounds of 10 to 20 seconds, for a grand total of five or ten minutes per day. Believe me, that’s all you will need to awaken the force within you.

Move Better at 60

My name is Matt Furey and many years ago (1985), I was a national collegiate wrestling champion. I also won a world championship in kung fu (in China, in 1997,) in my mid-30’s. I have studied numerous martial arts and combat sports, including Shaolin, tai chi chuan, grappling, and so on.

But it wasn’t until I began learning from Pendekar William Sanders, that I activated this whip- like ability within my body. Some people think I am exaggerating or using hype when I say, “I move better at age 60 than I ever have in my life,” but it is the truth.

I have much more flexibility, mobility, quickness, and power than I have ever had at any other time in my life. And the Grizzly is one of the main reasons.

Now, just so you know, I do not demonstrate my increased quickness by testing myself in the 40-yard dash or some other speed drill. I do it by showcasing how quickly I move in a martial way. People who have watched me are stunned. “What the hell?” is a common reaction, as they watch me effortlessly kick above my head.

As for power, I do not demonstrate it by lifting weights. I demonstrate it with strikes and blows, which appear fast even in slow-motion. What I tell people is this: “Power is speed times force. If you were to get hit by me 20 or 30 years ago, and compare it to today, you would probably prefer to be hit by the guy who was 30 or 40 – not the me who is currently 60. And this is due to the Grizzly Bear Paw.”

What is the Grizzly Bear Paw?

The Grizzly Bear Paw is an invention/innovation of Pendekar William Sanders. He studied the Russian Cossack whips, the Nagaika and the Volchatka, for many years, and always spoke highly of them. In fact, he put out a number of DVDs showing you how to use these Russian whips, which he mastered.

Then one day he came up with a design for something better, encompassing a flexible steel bar beneath the leather of the whip. He tested it out and found it to be far superior to the Russian whips he had been using – as well as far superior to Indian clubs, nunchaku, maces, and so on – ALL of which, by the way, are wonderful fitness tools, even though they do not activate the body the way the Grizzly does.

[By the way, the Russian secret police force uses the Nagaika and the Volchatka was designed to fend off wolves. So both of these traditional Russian whips are tremendous tools. It’s just that the Grizzly is far, far better because it moves faster and forces you to use your whole body as one unit.]

The Grizzly is different because it brings forth the springy energy within your body. This energy is not awakened in the same with any other tool. Not even close. Why? Because the Grizzly is pliable, which means it reacts to whatever you are doing. If you snap it, it bounces back. This doesn’t happen with a stick or club. This means the Grizzly works with your body, putting it on a feedback loop that helps your sinews get stronger and become more alive in a way that cannot be matched by a solid, stiff piece of metal or wood.

How to Use the Grizzly for Health, Fitness and Sports?

For those of you who are not martial artists and have no interest in fighting or self-defense, you can use the Grizzly to restore your health, or to improve your athletic abilities. One prominent M.D. in Colorado, buys them in batches and recommends them for most of his patients. I have personally used them to heal shoulder and elbow pain, as well as with my clients, many of whom use them daily to increase their energy and strength.

Old School

Pendekar Sanders, on the other hand, is “old school” in a major way. All his DVDs on the Grizzly, which I recommend if you want to accelerate your martial skills, are focused on the self-defense or fighting aspects ONLY.
That’s where I come in.

As a health-and-fitness author and instructor, as well as a martial artist, I figured it would be a grand idea to produce a DVD that focused on the fitness, health and sports benefits of the Grizzly. I brought this idea up to Pendekar and received his blessing. As a result, you can NOW learn to use the Grizzly as part of your fitness or sports regimen. If you want to dive deeper and go martial after learning the aspects I teach, that’s fine. But let’s start with where you are now, eh?

What is Covered on the Grizzly Bear Paw Workout DVD?

  1. On the DVD I show you the fundamental and functional differences between the Grizzly
    Bear Paw and Indian clubs. You get to see how you cannot use clubs or other solid
    objects the way you use the Grizzly. They are not the same animal.
    Why? Because you are doing far more than using circular patterns with the Grizzly.
    With the Grizzly, you will be using spirals, waves and figure 8’s. And as you do these movements
    you will see and feel the whip-like feedback the Grizzly provides, feedback that makes your
    forearms burn with pleasure as you say, “Wow. THIS is different.”
    If you attempt to do a wave-like pattern with an Indian club, you will be doing harm to your
    tendons. But with the Grizzly, the wave-like movements increase your strength, speed and
    power while growing your tendons.

  2. I show you a series of warm-up exercises that are important to do before you begin
    utilizing waves, spirals and figure 8 patterns. These exercises only take a few minutes,
    and then you’re ready to go.

  3. After the warm-up exercises are completed, you begin to learn how to do waves, spirals
    and figure 8’s from many different angles and directions. This will blow you away as
    these movements are the “steak and eggs” that pack muscle onto your forearms and
    strengthen your tendons and ligaments.

  4. In the video I give you advice about how long to do each exercise. Hint: It is NOT to
    failure. And I cover how long to rest between exercises and how to do partner training
    routines. I reveal the way my son and I used them together when he was playing college

  5. I show you the details of how my body moved when I first began using the Grizzly, and
    contrast that with how I move now. You will want to move the way I did in the
    beginning as well, so you gradually acclimate your body to the Grizzly.

  6. THEN I show you how my body moves TODAY when I use the Grizzly. You will see, plain
    as day, a different type of force, a different type of power and energy… one you’ve
    probably never seen before, and quite possibly, cannot wrap your mind around. But chances are, if you’ve come this far with me in this letter, you’ll want some of GRIZZLY
    POWER, too.

  7. In the final segment of the DVD, I show you how to do a fighting application figure-8
    pattern I learned from Pendekar, and how this type of movement will not only benefit
    your health, but could save your life if a thug or predator comes around.
    What I am revealing on this DVD is HUGE, even though it’s just the tip of the iceberg as
    far as how much you will improve and how far you can go with it.

Here’s what to do next…

The Grizzly Bear Paw Challenge DVD is only $39 – an absolute bargain, when you consider that
if Pendekar, or myself, were to meet with you in private, even for a half-hour, to show you what
is revealed on this DVD, it would cost you 10X that amount.

And then you would have to remember what we taught you in that half-hour, which is no easy
feat when you consider that 94 % of what you “learn” is forgotten within 24 hours of a class.
With this workout DVD, memory will no longer be an issue. You’ll be able to watch what I would
have showed you during a private session over and over again. And each time you do so, you
will notice subtle details that you weren’t aware of before. You will also figure out how to
integrate other movement patterns into your workout – which I show at the very end of the
DVD when I use the Grizzly as though it’s a baseball bat or golf club.

Excited yet?

I certainly hope so.

Jump on this NOW, my friend. The Grizzly will make a believer out of you – whether you believe It will or not.

This is no placebo effect. THIS is the REAL MCCOY.

All the best,

Matt Furey

P.S. The Grizzly Bear Paw is a tool that activates the coiling, springy, explosive fast-twitch fibers
within your body, giving them more FORCE. This enhanced upgrade of your energy is what you
will use to improve your health, eliminate shoulder, elbow-and-wrist pain – as well as crush golf
balls, smash home runs, throw a ball harder, and punch and kick with lightning-bolts coming off
you, all while moving with the grace, nimbleness and fluidity of an animal!

$ 39