San Michele Italian Knife Fighting

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Recent Seminar

I just returned back from a combination Seminar of P.C.P. and San Michele from Boston MA.

This seminar was put on by my Student Bill Gapinski. First off I want to thank Bill for truly putting on a first class seminar. He booked me on a nonstop flight from Oregon to Boston which is a HUGE advantage to me arriving in comfort not taking three dog legs all around the USA to finally arrive at some destination late at night dead tired. I arrived in Boston at 3:30 in the Afternoon.

Second Bill put me in a suite at the Hyatt, not some no tell motel. Bills Gym was a great place to train as well. The Seminar was attended also by my Italian Knife teacher Vito Quattrocchi and it was a fantastic opportunity for us all to train together. I spent the silat portion showing the actual way P.C.P. generates power and truly should attack the base and how using the new Kicking Juru DVD as a base.

Bill now at last is understanding the vitals of this art and is seeing the huge gaps others have not grasped well enough to pass this along accurately and with over time away from the art, they lost and or never really understood at all. Just ask him. I do believe Bill with his previous silat experience is now firmly on track be a great P.C.P. practitioner and teacher and I look forward to returning in the Fall.